Halloween is so fun ; you can dress up using your wildest imagination.  Its’ like becoming someone you have always wanted to be:  Einstein, a prima ballerina, a racecar driver, the possibilities are endless.  Of course dressing up is only one part of celebrating Halloween; there is a lot of decorating, including the house, food and of course, your face for Halloween. 

     Most people are under the impression that you have to spend lots of money to have a Halloween costume, but this is not true.  If you have makeup or a mother with makeup you can spend nothing and still out do your friends.  To begin grab that old shirt and jeans out of the back of the closet; cut a few holes in them, then toss them in the dirt and rub in the grass.  Heavily apply red food coloring on the shirt near the neck and in spots on the pants and lower part of the shirt.  Now onto the face, first apply a light foundation all over the face and neck.  Second, brush a liberal amount of baby powder over the whole face and neck.  Third, use a dark color eye shadow and a cotton ball to shade under the cheek line and around both eyes, creating a hollow look.  Fourth, use a blue or green eye shadow and blend it in lightly in two or three places around the face.  Finally, get some ketchup and apply it on your face where you want to be bloody.  Put on your clothes and, viola you are an economically friendly zombie.

     Another great thing about Halloween is all the unique food recipes that are sure to make your party better than the rest.  My personal favorite food item is prosciutto.  Make a dip mixing cream cheese and pesto; let harden in the fridge for at least an hour.  On a cookie sheet mold the dip in the shape of a person lying on his back.  Now lay slices of prosciutto across your mold, starting at the head and working down to the feet.  Use black olives for the eyes.  Top it off by laying crackers all around the zombie on the cookie sheet.   This is an easy and tasty recipe that will win over your company every Halloween.     



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 Check out these websites for more information about Halloween costumes and face designs:

  • To read and/or watch how to instructions go to

    Click Here

  • Believe it or not you can use common makeup for many special effects for halloween.  To order brushes and makeup head to

    Mac Cosmetics

  • Never forget how useful YouTube can be, just use the keywords Halloween and makeup.
  • For great Halloween food ideas that always please a crowd click on:

    Spooky Food



          By the way thats a real person in a Halloween costume...WOW!!!! 

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